Play Animation

Devin Sze

I am a machine learning and computer vision engineer with a Master's in Computer Science from UC Davis.



I am a machine learning and computer vision engineer at The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. I graduated from UC Davis with a Master's in computer science, and from UC Berkeley with a double major in computer science and data science.

My research interests and background include machine learning, graph understanding, static ensemble pruning, computer vision, large language models, and generative tiemseries models. I have previously worked at Nokia as a generative ML engineer, AWS as a software engineer, and the Berkeley AI Lab (BAIR) as a ML researcher. I have TA-ed for programming, probem solving, and computer architecture at UC Davis, was a TA for Foundations of Data Science at Berkeley, and am a member of the CS honor society Upsilon Pi Epsilon.


  • Large Language Models
  • Computer Vision
  • Generative ML
  • Ensemble Pruning
  • ML for Autonomous Transportation
  • Simulation
  • Graph Theory


  • University of California, Davis
    M.S. Computer Science
    2023 - 2024
  • University of California, Berkeley
    B.A. Computer Science
    B.A. Data Science
    2019 - 2023

